Online learning booklet

Dear Parents

The global pandemic has disrupted the traditional approach to education. Reports from UNESCO and other global organization estimate that more than 1.5 billion students have been affected by school closures globally since the beginning of the pandemic. Students who have no access to learning during school closures suffer significant learning losses that will impact negatively on their future.
In response, CAVIK has experienced from other schools and implemented an online learning model to ensure continued access to education for all levels of learning. Our schools schedule online classes following the normal school timetable to minimize learning loss for our students. We have invested considerable time in training for teachers and all school staff strive for the highest quality in online lessons.

Periods of online learning in between normal school attendance for classroom lessons can be expected until global vaccination rates and newly developed medication help to suppress the effects of the pandemic. Your support at home to facilitate and encourage your children’s active participation in the online learning programme is valued by our teachers and helps your children to stay on track academically.

Sincerely ,

Director of Education

CAVIK Online Learning

CAVIK is committed to facilitate the continuity of instruction for our students through online education. Our online learning model is based on four guiding principles:

1. Curriculum

Lessons are organized according to a weekly timetable and presented on only one platform. This is to ensure ease of lesson delivery for all teachers and continuity of learning for all students.

2. Interaction

Daily interaction with teachers and fellow students is important for student wellbeing and learning effectiveness. This is facilitated through online lessons and additional teacher follow-up with students.

3. Assessment

Teachers continue to assess student work, provide feedback to students and keep assessment records during periods of online learning.

4. Communication

Schools provide weekly advice to students and parents about online learning arrangements to ensure students are well-prepared and gain full benefit from online learning.

When our schools switch to online learning, we aim to maintain the normal daily routine for our students by keeping to comparable daily routine of classroom lessons:

a. Same daily timetable as classroom lessons

b. Class attendance will be recorded for every lesson

c. Class rules will be maintained

d. Shorter blocks of instruction interspersed with learning activities and class interaction

e. Teachers’ evaluation and feedback on students’ work / tasks

f. Providing support for students / parents

The teaching and learning arrangements in schools or online learning are subject to CAVIK’s discretion and instructions from the Authorities.

Online learning will not be arranged during periods of normal school operation when physical attendance at school sites is permitted.

Student Commitment

To gain full benefit from the KinderWorld online learning model, our students need to:

a. Be prepared and sign-in punctually for each lesson

b. Wear school uniform to maintain a sense of normality and daily learning routine

c. Follow online lesson rules set by the teachers

d. Submit assigned tasks on time

e. Read feedback provided by the teachers

Parent Support

Students gain full benefit from the online learning model when parents support and reinforce the value and importance of active participation in online lessons with their children.

Parents can support their children by creating a conducive learning environment at home for online learning in the following ways:

a. Provide a suitable area or space that is free from distractions

b. Arrange access to laptops, computers or smart phones

c. Help their children get ready and be punctual for lessons

d. Stay in touch with teachers to help resolve problems

e. Assist younger children with learning as much as possible

f. Make necessary adjustments to help children cope during periods of online learning

g. Keep the School informed about adjustments that they make

Expression Interest

    Your information

    Your children’s information