Our early learning goals ( curriculum) is guided by the research-based relief that children learn through active play and define what each student should know , understand and be able to do by the time they finish the study journey in Cavik International Kindergarten.

1. Personal, social and emotional development

– Developing self-confidence and independence
– Learning to work with and respond to others
– Caring and respecting
– Expressing needs and feelings in an appropriate way
– Developing positive attitude in solving problems

2. Communication and Language developing

– Speaking and Listening
– Pre- reading
– Pre- Writing

3. Literacy

– Developing children hand-eye coordination
– Helping children to hold pencils and other items properly
– Providing opportunities to draw and record.

4. Mathematical development

– Counting
– Matching
– Ordering
– Sorting
– Making and recognizing patterns
– Adding and subtracting
– Measuring weight, length and time
– Volume and capacity
– Shape and space
– Prediction
– Recognizing and writing numbers

5. Critical thinking

– making good decisions, understand the consequences of our actions and solve problems
-becoming dynamic students instead of inactive receiver of information.

6. Knowledge and understanding of the world

-Early science
– Early technology
– Explore the environment
– Explore the role in family and community

7. Physical development

– Gross motor skills
– Fine motor skills

8. Creative development

– using children’s imagination
– focusing on their emotions and identity

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