News and Events.docx

Visiting Days for New Students – New students are invited to meet with their teachers and our Extended Care staff during these three visiting days at the start of the school year.

New Parent Orientation (Virtual) – Staff, board, and Parents’ Association representatives present our school program and answer any questions at this parents-only event.

Cavik International Kindergarten Parents’ Association Picnic – Families bring a lunch and blanket for a school-wide picnic. It is a great opportunity to meet other Cavik families.

Phasing In – During the phasing-in period, all classes have a third staff member in the classroom to assist in the gradual introduction and reintroduction of school procedures. This special adjustment period helps children develop a sense of “inner order” which will grow and refine itself throughout the year. It also promotes feelings of independence and self-esteem, and enables the children to begin to direct their own lives. These first few weeks are the building blocks for the rest of the year.

Parents’ Social – Line up your babysitter now for this annual parent’s only event. Cavik family invites all our parents to their home for an evening of hors d’oeuvres, drinks and conversation. This is a great way to meet new friends and catch up with old ones.

Picture Day – A professional photographer comes to school to take individual and class pictures.

Parent Meet and Greet Mornings – A relaxing way to start the day and get to know other families in the class. (Adults-only, outside)

Kindergarten Curriculum Parent Workshop (Virtual) – A parent workshop to learn more about the important third year of a child’s

All School Social Hour– Parents and children can drop in and grab a cup of coffee. This is a great time to catch up with other families and enjoy delicious breakfast treats.

International Dinner – A potluck dinner celebrating our diverse community. Each family brings and shares a dish from their culture. All students are invited to perform songs they have learned in music class.

Special Person’s Night – Children invite a special person to come to Cavik and witness what they do in their classroom at school.

Earth Day – Families celebrate Earth Day by coming together on a Saturday morning to beautify our school grounds.

Last Day of School Pizza Lunch – All Cavik children are invited to stay for a pizza (and popsicle) luncheon hosted by staff on the last day of school.

Kindergarten Breakfast – Kindergarten families and staff gather for breakfast and a special performance to commemorate the conclusion of their time at Cavik.

Cavik Parents’ Association (CHPA) Meetings – Attend these meetings to get involved in your child’s school, meet new friends, and help plan various CHPA school events.

Kindergarten Field Trips – Each month our kindergartners and parent chaperones travel to one of the listed  locations.

 Assembly – Cavik teachers will take turn to lead the assembly every Friday morning to review lesson as well as organize some interactive games for children to join in and surely all activities are set up related to theme of the week.

Parent Education Workshops/ Book Clubs (Virtual)– Throughout the year, we host workshops on various parenting and Montessori topics.

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