Extra curiculum Activities- ECAs

Fun And Interesting Extracurricular Activities For Your Child In CAVIK International Kindergarten

Each semester offers a diverse selection of activities for students in Cavik. From dance to drama, robotics, chess, or martial arts, students grow in new ways. Intellectually, emotionally, and physically they build their Sense of Self and grow to understand the importance of Balance in Life. A small fee might be charged to cover the costs of running the after-school activities programme where applicable.

1. Language Learning

Due to the heterogeneity in the backgrounds of students coming over to a kindergarten, the possibility of getting exposed to different languages is high.
Guiding a child in understanding any language sharpens their ability to comprehend not just words but emotions as well. They also recognize gestures more effectively.

2. Craft Making

Precision and particularity are what a child learns through craft making.
It teaches them patience along with behavioral skills that involve dealing with anything in a delicate manner first instead of losing patience.

3. Singing

This helps better communication skills through vocal modulation. Every class day could start with a song instead of allotting a separate singing class.
This would also help start the class on a positive and happy note.

4. Dancing

Everyone loves dancing! It helps improve confidence and helps teach children the idea of exercising one’s body from early on.

5. Indoor or Outdoor Sports

Something as simple as a coordinated game of catch-and-throw can teach the children how to control their movements and help develop muscle memory.

6. Painting or Doodling

The idea of using colors to add life is something that can be developed in any child from as early on as kindergarten.

Art, after all, does not answer to any age, but only to perception.

7. Mild Combat Arts

Apart from staying physically sound, combat or martial arts also teach students the basics of protecting themselves.

8. Reading

The epitome of any health education is what reading is! At the kindergarten level, reading can involve going through coloured storybooks.
This would eventually grow into more mature reading.

9. Non-Fire Cooking

Cooking teaches children the importance of being self-reliant in terms of daily sustenance. This is important because it also teaches them the importance of food in general.

10. Board Games

Strategising and co-ordinating is an essential aspect of any form of education and board games help achieve that skill in a fun manner.

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